تصور کنید که شما میتوانید به آسانی و بدون دردسر، درآمد دلاری داشته باشید! آیا آمادهاید تا زندگی مالی خود را به طرز شگفتانگیزی متحول کنید؟ در این دوره جامع، من به شما تمام رازهای کسب درآمد از طریق وردپرس را به سادهترین و جذابترین روشها آموزش میدهم.
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This course is a detailed and easy tutorial to get you all setup and going with the use of LearnPress LMS Plugin. It is a free and simple plugin to help you create an Online Courses Website step by step. The tutorial guides you through the configuration of the plugin, creation of Courses, Lessons, Quizzes, and finally guides you on how to boost up your Website with Premium LearnPress Add-ons brought to you by ThimPress (creator of LearnPress). It also shows how you could configure additional items like the course layouts and featured images …
A series of Videos from ThimPress, give you a detailed tutorial to create an LMS Website with LearnPress – LMS & Education WordPress Plugin.